Sci-Fi and Afrofuturism Part II

‘Afrofuturism is an intersection of imagination, technology, the future and liberation. “I generally define Afrofuturism as a way of imagining possible futures through a black cultural lens’” says Ingrid LaFleur, an art curator and Afrofuturist. LaFleur presented for the independently organized TEDx Fort Greene Salon in Brooklyn, New York. “I see Afrofuturism as a way to encourage experimentation, reimagine identities, and activate liberation.”’ – Y Womack, Afrofuturism: The World of Black Sci-Fi and Fantasy Culture180103_Draft_Page_28

Sci-fi and Afrofuturism

‘Afrofuturism is an intersection of imagination, technology, the future and liberation. “I generally define Afrofuturism as a way of imagining possible futures through a black cultural lens’” says Ingrid LaFleur, an art curator and Afrofuturist. LaFleur presented for the independently organized TEDx Fort Greene Salon in Brooklyn, New York. “I see Afrofuturism as a way to encourage experimentation, reimagine identities, and activate liberation.”’ – Y Womack, Afrofuturism: The World of Black Sci-Fi and Fantasy Culture

Encounters of a Space Cadet

This series of collages are based on my interpretations of what I have been reading from Ytasha Womack’s Afrofuturism: The World of Black Sci Fi and Fantasy Culture. In the introduction it describes what afrofuturism is and how and why the term was coined.

‘ “the actual term Afrofuturism was first used by critic Mark Dery in his 1994 essay “Black to the Future,” which examined why there were so few black science fiction writers at the time, given the genre’s inextricable links to the other and life on the margins.” – Ytasha Womack, Afrofuturism: The World of Black Sci Fi and Fantasy Culture

The first chapter discusses aspects of the impact of afrofuturism and what it has paved the way for;

  • The Rise of the Black Geek (Pop Culture in regards to Sci-fi)
  • Cosplay Rules (Fandom of popular Sci-Fi and Fantasy Media)
  • Dawn of a New Era (Rise in popularity)
  • A Cyber Movement being born (posthuman aspects of the Music and Media themes)
  • The Mother Ship lands on a historical black college (escapism and alienation)



What is Afro-Futurism?

‘Afro-futurism is an intersection of imagination, technology, the future and liberation. “I generally define Afro-futurism as a way of imagining possible futures through a black cultural lens’” says Ingrid LaFleur, an art curator and Afro-futurist. LaFleur presented for the independently organized TEDx Fort Greene Salon in Brooklyn, New York. “I see Afro-futurism as a way to encourage experimentation, re-imagine identities, and activate liberation.” ’ – Y Womack, Afrofuturism: The World of Black Sci-Fi and Fantasy Culture

Afrofuturism - Ytasha Womack Release Photo